Sunday, September 27, 2009

Expanding the subjects we photograph.

We have so many preconceptions of what we should photograph.  It must be beautiful.  It must fit our image of nature or people.  However, we can think beyond our usual models of what to photograph and be open to everyting we come across.  If it attracts our eye shoot it!  The two photographs here were taken one day on a trip to an antique shop.  It was great fun really opening my eyes and seeing  objects which I've really seen before.   You may wish to do the same.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Still Walking With My Cat

It's been awhile since I've posted here. Sometimes life takes over and there's so much to do.
We are still doing the Walking With My Cat exercise.  I haven't heard back from anyone on whether you've tried it or not but it's fun to begin to think about seeing the world from a different perspective - our small pet - and how it would look.
We usually see life from a very narrow strip depending on how tall we are.
The photo in this blog was taken from my window sill which is a favorite spot for my crazy cat Metta.  She will sit there for hours looking out and watching the birds.  It's a view through a curtain onto a red side shed in my yard.  I enjoy the texture the curtains provide and the "pop" the red adds.
So spend the next week playing with this and post some photos online or send a few to me and I will post them to this blog.  I'd love to see how you view the world from a different perspective.
